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5 actions to take as you scale your sales team

1. Define your sales processes

- A defined process will decrease your ramp time until they are generating net positive revenue for the company

2. Create your onboarding process for sales hires

- Make sure you have a written onboarding process that covers industry knowledge, organizational knowledge and processes, and gives them the steps from start to onboarded


3. Review Leadership Capacity

- More direct reports = more time, and training and onboarding is time intensive.

Does the sales leadership have time to train, onboard, and manage additional people? If not, how will they delegate responsibilities to other people to get that time?


4. Update your ICP and Persona docs

- make sure your ideal client profiles and persona docs are accurate, relevant, and helpful. This gives the new reps easy ways to reference who is a good fit, and why they're a good fit.


5. Review your technology stack

- Do you have the right software purchased for the team?

Does the software that worked for your team when it was smaller, still support the larger team size?

Can each person see the data they need to see to do their job well?

Do you have your standard operating procedures documented for the new hires?




6. Review the KPIs for the role.

Make sure you have clear KPIs for what success in this role looks like.

Will the direct report be able to see their success against these KPIs easily?

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